• KAZN AM1300 中文廣播電臺     


美國奧淇金融,宏盛保險與理財 : Haidi Huang


Haidi Huang

18631 E. Gale Ave.,
City Of Industry
CA. 91748


佳信健保 : Anneta Insurance


Anneta Insurance

529 E. Valley Blvd.,
Suite. # 228 C
San Gabriel
CA. 91776


 : James Kuo Office

James Kuo Office

12325 Wkitebron St.,
Oak Hills
CA. 92334



  1. 无意间听到关于如何合合理报税获得房屋贷款的节目。因为在开车没能完全记住电话号码。626-755……希望能帮我找到联系电话。

  2. 有一个保险执照培训,是在6/5号 9点30左右播出的节目,电话好像是877 -728-7688 ,记不清了,麻烦帮忙查询

  3. James, 請問我岳母40年前在台灣買一塊地,現在有人要買所以有一大筆收入($300,000交完台湾的稅後),她人在美國, 但她要把錢給我,要如何匯到美國?要如何報稅?我現在是退休人,但有SS及退休金

    1. 主持人, 我也有此类问题。可以wire, 电汇来美的银行吗,年底报税时填表继承?

  4. Hello,
    I am not able to listen to your program now that AM900 is no longer a KAZN affiliated. Just before the end of January, there was an advertisement about insurance/tax seminars by David Lim’s (?) company. I like to get that telephone number or more details. Thank you.

    1. 谢谢您的留言. AM900還是KAZN姐妹台,只是c從2月份開始不再聯播了1300節目了。以後您可以在AM1600電台收聽1300 的節目。或者Niu TV 或 Radio Chinese Plus 用手機收聽。 當然也可以通過 AM1300.com在網上收聽。

      1. Thank you for your response to my initial inquiry. Owing to the location of my residence, the other stations, we are not able to obtain reception from AM 1300 and AM 1600.
        Also you have not responded to my other questions about insurance and tax seminars.

  5. 請問保險理賠专家Tina的電話,我的房屋在长周末漏水了,水闸被关,我们不敢用水,十分着急,找了几个水管工来看,都说修不了,让我报房屋保险理赔。請問保險理賠专家Tina的联系方式,十分感谢。

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