據《華盛頓郵報》The Washington Post 報導,川普總統在競選時說,“我基本上不會離開白宮,因爲要做的工作太多。”但他進入白宮之後花很多時間打高爾夫球,讓納稅人有上當的感覺。
The taxpayer subsidization of Trump’s rich-and-famous lifestyle is but one of the bait-and-switch maneuvers by Trump, who said during the campaign that “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done.”
bait and switch:Bait就是钓鱼时用的鱼饵,或者是一种引诱。bait就是引诱一个顾客上圈套,付高价来买不值这个价钱的东西。Switch就是很快用一样东西来替代另一样东西。
把这两个词合在一起,bait and switch就成了一个习惯用语,意思是用欺骗的方法来高价出售货物。例如,一个商店做广告说他们正在出售许多价钱特别便宜的货品。可是当顾客来买的时候,他们就说那样东西已经卖完,他们建议顾客买别的,价钱很高的东西。
1)The ad claimed the new car was selling at less than $5,000. So I hurried there but it was a case of bait and switch – they said the $5,000 cars were all sold out and he tried to sell me other cars at a much higher price.
2)Sogo announced last week that he’ll tell his listeners all about his dramatic relationship with a South African girl, but this week he only spent less than 1 minute talking about it and there’s nothing dramatic about it. The guy pulled a bait and switch on his listeners.
Sogo 上星期在節目中預告說,下次節目中,他會給聽衆講自己和一個南非女孩約會的趣味經歷。但到了下星期,他只花了不到一分鐘的時間講這個事,一點都沒意思。這傢伙忽悠了聽衆。