• KAZN AM1300 中文廣播電臺     
1.0 英語俚語

Stay on top of things – 了解,控制,即時跟蹤/更新


If people had simply stayed on top of security updates, their machines would not have been infected. 如果人們能隨時更新電腦軟體的話,電腦就不會中毒。

stay on top of – 即時,跟進,領先,放置首位,控制局面



  1. Children can do dangerous things. You really have to stay close. You need to stay on top of things. 小孩子有時會做危險的事情。你一定要在他們身旁看著,要隨時警惕。
  2. As a manager, you have to stay on top of all aspects of the company. 作爲經理,你一定要了解公司的全部運作。
  3. The stock market has been unpredictable, and you really have to stay on top of things. 股市很難預測,你一定要密切跟蹤它的起伏。
  4. You are working three jobs? How do you stay on top of things? 你同時做三個工作,你是怎麽掌握每個工作的要求的?

另外,英語keep abreast of 的意思和stay on top of 差不多,很多時候可以互換使用。

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