《紐約時報》The New York Times在報導川普總統的減稅計劃時,這樣說:
“Retailers pay a higher effective tax rate of any sector in the U.S. But the devil is in the details.” 零售商的稅率比任何行業都高。但不能一概而論,要看具體情況。
The devil is in the details – 不能光看表面,還要看細節。細節最關鍵。它的另一個説法是:God is in the detail。用devil多表示負面的意思,用God多表示正面的意思。Detail 常用複數加s。
- The American economy’s doing great, but the devil is in the details. 美國經濟勢頭強勁,但表面之下還要看具體情況。(意思是也有不令人滿意的地方)
- This radio program has very few callers, but the devil is in the details. 給這個廣播節目打電話的聽衆很少,但要看具體情況。(意思是聽衆不打電話是有原因的,而不是聼的人不多)
- This seems to be such a difficult problem. But God is in the details. 這個問題看似無比困難,但仔細看看也許未必。