儘管Tim Burton 是很有才華的導演(《愛德華剪刀手》、《蝙蝠俠》、《查理和巧克力工廠》、《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》等),但總的來說,我不怎麽喜歡他的電影,對我來説,他的電影多數很燥閙,用我的承受力衡量,算比較極端。
Big Fish (2003) (《大魚》/《大智若魚》)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3YVTgTl-F0&w=640&h=360]
能不能讲讲有关劳工权利的话题? Manager and HR fabricated incident to terminate employee with no evidence in order to hire somebody with a lower pay. Employee cannot even sue them because lawyers advise employee that it’s legal for employer to treat employee unfairly. It sounds so sad.
I love your program. Thank you!
BTW, I disagree with you guy’s view on US bombing on Japan. As we all know how many Chinese were killed, how many women were raped by Japanese. Nothing can make up for what they did to Chinese.
Before the bombing Japanese was aiming to control the world. US repeatedly warned Japanese before the bombing, but nothing could stop them. They only surrendered when US was prepared to drop the third bomb on them. They got what they deserve. Sometime it takes severe punishment to stop a bad behavior like sending a bad guy to prison.
Continued…When Japanese surrendered, the whole world were cheering for US. There was no criticism to US at the time as far as I know. We had to look at the situation at the time.
The Chinese community party ridiculously claimed that they forced Japanese to surrender. I did not know the truth until I left China. Like many other things, the Chinese community party always lie.