周正烜 新年快樂! 周正烜02/09/2017, 9:44 上午02/09/2017 1 4101 不知道有多少朋友會上來這裡看我的文章。如果您有到此一遊就請您留個言,讓我知道一下。 祝大家萬事如意! Previous Article大水沖了龍王廟—美國現在有好“戲”看!- 曹青樺Next Article阿罕布拉市第26屆「四海迎春」11日舉行
Hi Shwan, Like your program very much. Is that possible to have your dentist friend (used to be with you on the air) office phone#? I need to make an appointment with him for my daughter . Thanks! 回覆
Hi Shwan,
Like your program very much.
Is that possible to have your dentist friend (used to be with you on the air) office phone#?
I need to make an appointment with him for my daughter . Thanks!