It’s fun to listen to your program.
I noticed that the guests you invited to give a talk are mainly Republicans.
Could you also get some inputs from Democrats?
It will be nicer if both voices can be heard.
Thank you.
Ms. Guangyu Zhao,
It is fine to have your own opinion. But when people call in to express their opinions, everyone should get the equal opportunity to complete what she / he has to say. It’s VERY RUDE for you to cut off those people who have different opinions from hers. And this happens a lot in the session you host.
As a hostess, you should at least understand how to RESPECT and what is FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!
Hope you can be aware of this and make some improvement in the future.
主持人,老师的评估是一个很复杂的问题。如果在中产阶级社区,比如San Marino,老师的工作就相对单纯很多,他们可以更多地专注于课业和升学。可是在洛杉机学区,很多学生是把学校首先当作避难所,卫生院,食堂。对于很多学生来说,他们的许多做为人的最基本的生存需求都是需要这些老师帮他们得到满足的。如果你用学生成绩,毕业率这些能用数字衡量的东西来评估大部分洛杉矶学区的老师就有失公允了。实际上,凡是勇于在这个学区工作的老师都是很了不起的,绝对配得上英雄这个称号。
廣瑜小姐, 可以每天都卦上當天的節目嗎?
It’s a fun to listen to your program.
I noticed that many guests you invited to talk in your program
It’s fun to listen to your program.
I noticed that the guests you invited to give a talk are mainly Republicans.
Could you also get some inputs from Democrats?
It will be nicer if both voices can be heard.
Thank you.
不认可美国重建了中国是吗?请想想:中国人自古以来就是吃苦耐劳,能奋斗又聪明,那么为什么在美国帮助中国入世之前无论中国怎么努力都不行?是因为中国第一制造落后,第二没有市场。是美国把中国拉入了世贸组织给了中国最惠国待遇,给了中国巨大的世界市场和先进的技术,并敞开自己的胸怀去接纳中国的学者。你看看中国的这些高科技公司哪个不是从硅谷回去,把美国的科技公司拷贝成中国版?明明是美国对中国的贸易赤字达到几万亿却不承认。明明是中国欺骗,并且不履行承诺佔了世界的大便宜,却认为是理所当然。如果美国没有这样帮助过中国,你告诉我,中国现在会是什么样子?只是一点帮忙吗? No!是美国拯救了中国。中国是一个没有感恩之心的国家。很悲哀。
Ms. Guangyu Zhao,
It is fine to have your own opinion. But when people call in to express their opinions, everyone should get the equal opportunity to complete what she / he has to say. It’s VERY RUDE for you to cut off those people who have different opinions from hers. And this happens a lot in the session you host.
As a hostess, you should at least understand how to RESPECT and what is FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!
Hope you can be aware of this and make some improvement in the future.
今天(03/19/2019)的節目, 有位聽眾說「海水退潮就知道誰沒穿褲子游泳」, 那是股神巴菲特名言(“After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”), 不是罵人的話。
廣瑜小姐7/11和7/12 內容相同,請更正謝謝